Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Specially for Joyce Tan

A girl's named Joyce Tan Jia Yin...
A tallest girl in my class...
So always sit behind...

She knows to play piano...
But stingy to present infront of us...

She likes pink colour very much...
But I can't a pink colour for these words...

She is very lucky...
Founded other 2 girls born in the same date...

The only girl surprised me,
holding hand and walking with her dad...
Look like couple...

She likes to capture with her crazy pose...
Not look like a 18-year-old girl...

Here's the proof:

Now she is 19-year-old...
She no longer can said herself is younger than us...

To: Joycieeeee

Don't stress yourself...
Enjoy your life...
Tomorrow would be a better day...

Good luck for your future...
Happy always...
and all the best...


Selamat Hari Jadi!
Happy Birthday to You!

~ Hau Yeen~


  1. hahahha...thanks ya....appreciate it lots....i not crazy lo...just a bit abnormal than normal nia..


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