Saturday, February 07, 2009

30 Random Things about Me!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

* sorry for not using bombastic english... coz i hate it! *
* too much things to talk about, so exceed that needed *

1. I am an independent person...
I started to work with my mom since i was standard 6.
and then, I needed to belanja my mom and sister eat sushi that coz RM60++...

2. I still remember my father cheated my angpau money when I was 5/6 year-old...
In kampung, he said petrol was very expensive...
I feel kesian and I gave him my angpau money... About RM 30... it's a big value that time!

3. I love singing very much!
I enjoy singing in the classroom in previous school...
but now I can't do this... very buzy in the class in SJI now...

4. I participated in singing competition every year since in kindergarden for 7 years...
but unfortunately only received prizes for twice... = =

5. I plan to participate in singing competition organised by 4 schools (including SJI) around April and May, still finding a nice song... with minus one...

6. I have 3 ear holes at my left earlobe and 2 ear holes at my right earlobe...
My new friends din notice about that, I think...

7. I'm not from a rich family... My house very small... Live in government flat...
But there are 3 computers, 3 speakers, 2 air-con, 1 photostate machine... it's different from other normal house...

8. In my whole life, I worked as
* waitress for Tang Palace in Dynasty Hotel, dim sum bao reastaurant in Lot 10 and company's anual dinner;
* promoter for Key-Ng and bags;
* accountant clerk in a sundry trading;
* cashier for Popular BookFest 2008...

9. I teached tuition for 3 years,
So, I have more than 15 students called me 'teacher'...

10. I like blue colour when I was small...
Coz, I always win in Millionaire games if i'm holding blue walkie...

11. Now, I like black and white very much coz it's look cool!

12. I like korean songs very much... It touches my heart, and my soul...

13. I learnt hand sign language (bahasa isyarat) 1 few years ago...
(u know that always a body language translator in the news at RTM 1? that's my teacher...)
Even get second high mark in the class and stated in my certificate...

14. I like my chinese name very much... Xiao Yan ~ 孝燕...
Xiao 孝 means filial obedience (taat)
Yan 燕 means swallow
I will be very happy if Malays and Indians call my chinese name...

15. More than 50% ppl spell my name wrongly... So, I dun like ppl write my name wrongly...

16. Taurus likes to enjoy food. I'm taurus. Thus, I likes food!
french fried from Mcdonalds...
Hakka Mee from Petaling Street...
fried chicken from KFC...
burger from malay road-side stall...
Pan Mee from Chow Kit...
roasted chicken from Kenny Rodger...
chicken rice from me!

17. I enjoy preparing food ~ cooking... but must with presence of mood...
chicken rice, curry chicken, hakka mixed rice, korean dul-bog-gi, sushi, spagetti, agar-agar...

18. I dun eat pork... dun ask me why... it's really good for health...

19. I like to drink milk... of coz cow milk lar... + chocolate not bad...

20. I dislike friends that like to waste money on unnecessary things...

21. I dun like to owe ppl things...
So, if I forgot to pay u, pls dun be disgrace to remind me...

22. I like to wear long sleeve...
So, 90% u can see me wearing long sleeve when I shopping...

23. My first time on buying handphone is when I was in form 5...
I used my own money... RM 780...

24. I support my own phone fees since form 3... My mom never pay even 1 sent...

25. I got my driving licence with my own money... more than RM1000...

26. Taurus, like me is realistic... I admit that money is very very very important...
but it should be get by right ways...

27. I love to be event organisor or work in TV station or radio station... but now I choose STPM science stream of my temporary courier...

28. I have a common face... Wherever i go to a new place to meet new friends, sure one of them said that I looked like one of their old friend...

29. My whole family members are boss... My mom has Accounting company... My father has karaoke shop and I have my own registered herbal company... But v are not rich... honestly... and I swear!

30. My life story is bumpy and mysterious, i confirm that!

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